Monday, July 17, 2006

Salazar Manor - Uh-hum, Kiwi's House

Hot dog! Do I have a treat for you. Luis just finished stitching an interactive panorama for me. Guess what it's of? No, not the Grande Canyon. Try: Salazar Manor. Yup- I have posted a panorama of our, uh-hum, my house. It's so cool it's better than bottle caps. You can view the Kiwi pleasure dome out in Millwoods in full 360 degrees. You can even see where Maguey used to live (she moved a while ago although she still visits Isidro's mom Reina and his sister Keren). Isn't it fabulous???

To make it work click on the movie window that opens up below, hold and then drag left and right. You can even zoom in to see detail (like the No Parking Sign) by clicking on the "minus" and "plus" buttons on the movie window. My room is right above the garage.

If you can't see the movie you may need the QUICKTIME plug-in found at the APPLE site: Download it Here fo MAC and Download it Here for Windows.

Hope you enjoy my little panorama.



Ta-dumm! And now for a truly wicked experience. This is me saying my name.

Click on this link: "Kiwi-Kiwi!"

Isn't that cool??? Try teaching that to a stupido cat- ha!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Hiatus Finitus

I am back! That was a long break. Did you miss me? Oh, how I missed all this silly willy BLOGGER world.

I have some new surprises in store for you. Luis recently acquired some web space and has the opportunity to post some media files for me. This includes the sound file on my PROFILE
page of me saying, "Step up!". That's so awesome. I have more sound clips and some movies and panos and lots of other coolio stuff baby! I can't wait to share them with you. Visit this week for more as I return from my vacation.