Monday, July 17, 2006


Ta-dumm! And now for a truly wicked experience. This is me saying my name.

Click on this link: "Kiwi-Kiwi!"

Isn't that cool??? Try teaching that to a stupido cat- ha!


Rohini said...

Cute :)

Anonymous said...

Awwww! But when are you going to teach Kiwi to say "supercalafagelisticexpealidoucious"? Or at the very least "Dani rocks"?

Heh heh....

Thanks Kiwi for your cutie pie-ness!

Kiwi Salazar said...

Thank you for visiting Rohini. It's always a pleasure to hear from our friends in India. Say, India has some beautiful parrots. I once met a Derbyan Parrot named Chuck. He is from India. India has beautiful parrots- but hey all parrots are beautiful, aren't we? Step up!

Kiwi Salazar said...

Hi Dani. What do you mean? Are you suggesting that I wouldn't be able to say that silly word? Truth is I tried once and instantly my tail feathers fell out. SQUAWCK!!! That hurts. Better save that one for days when I am feeling extra hot or for that rare day I feel like impressing Maguey.