On February 4, 2010 Luis drove out to Lacombe, Alberta to meet Geri J. and her daughter Sarah to buy Olive from them. Olive is a baby three-toed box turtle. Olive was in need of a new home after Geri and her family had to move from Lacombe and couldn’t bring Olive with them. Olive belonged to Geri’s daughter Nikki. Nikki, Luis was informed, celebrated her tenth birthday this day. Nikki was sad to let Olive go.
Geri and Luis decided to meet in Lacombe at 10 p.m. Luis’ wacky Kung-fu schedule makes it hard for him to meet people at normal times of the evening. He sometimes goes out at night donning a velvet black cloak lined in purple silk just because really, only vampires go out as late as he does. This costume only puts him on par with the rest of the nightlife. Anyhow, Luis left the house at 8:30 p.m. and had a safe drive out despite the thick, cold fog and the icy roads. As he was about to reach Lacomb; however, he missed the turnoff and continued straight south towards Red Deer. Ai-ai-ai! He panicked. He was going to be late. He dislikes being late for people. If you’ve ever been as far north as even central Alberta then you know how dark it gets here in the middle of winter and boy it was pitch black outside with no street lights out this far into the Queens’ Highway and little traffic to offer the occasional spot of light. In all that darkness (even with his vampire vision) Luis could not find a turnoff to 180-it north and back to rendezvous with Geri and Sarah. Luis slowed right down to 60 km/hr and turned on his hazards while driving bumpity-bump on the washboards in hopes of catching a turnoff at slower speeds. Even at that speed he managed to drive past two (good grief, man!) and after about 10 kilometers he was sweating. Suddenly traffic picked up and Luis was afraid he’d get rear-ended. That would really bite the peanut. He kept muttering to himself, “It’s all worth it… it’s all worth it.” Ha-ha! But then he saw it: the u-turn exit. Metal to the pedal and off he went back towards Lacombe. Hot dog!
Up ahead was the turnoff to Bentley and another to Lacombe/Stettler. He took the second turnoff and drove on confident that he would soon be meeting Geri and Sarah. In the space of two minutes he began to feel that funny feeling you get when someone caresses the back of your neck backwards and all your pin feathers poke you in the back of the neck. There was something amiss. Where was the town? There was no civilization anywhere unless you include cows and everyone knows cows don’t have fingers and stuff us civilized critters do. Lacombe was supposed to be two kilometers off the highway. Darn! Then Dani called.
“How’s it going?”
“I missed the turnoff and I think I am heading towards Bentley.”
“Wait, let me get the computer and I will tell you where you are… have you driven past Gull Lake?”
“I think so…”
“Oops! I think you are going the wrong way.”
“Rats! I am going to turn around. Wait just a sec I am going to put the phone down… okay, I think I am going the right way now.”
“I’ll let you go so that you may drive.”
“Thanks honey. I will call you once I have the dude.”
“Okay, love you.”
“Love you too. Thanks.”
Off he went relieved to be driving off in the right direction. Then the phone rang again.
“Hi Luis. Where are you?’
“I missed the turnoff, Geri and I went to Bentley but I am on my way back to Lacombe now.”
“Okay, I am at Zig-Zag Gas Station in a blue S.U.V.”
“Great! I’ll be there soon.”
Compare the plastrons of Olive and Texas at around the same age.
Luis raced off and seven minutes later pulled into the gas station where Geri and Sarah were patiently waiting for him. Luis waved as he put the car into park and the girls stepped out. They all shook hands and Geri handed Luis Olive. Olive was deeply buried in a Tupperware dish 5 inches in diameter and 1 inch deep.
“Wow,” Luis said. “She sure is small.”
“Yes she is,” Geri replied. “Would you like to see her?”
“No thank-you,” Luis said. “Lets keep her in my jacket where she’ll be warm.”
“Good idea,” Geri said. “Here are her supplies,” Geri continued. “There’s liquid vitamins, powdered calcium, worms- she loves these- a couple of bath dishes, some moss, and some coconut bark.”
“She loves hiding in the moss,” Sarah added. “She’ll hide in it all day.”
“He knows that honey,” Geri said. “He has experience with box turtles.”
“That’s okay. I don’t mind hearing,” Luis reassured Sarah who remained quite still and now also quiet. “It’s $240.00, right,” Luis asked pulling out a fist-full of twenties.
“No,” Geri replied, “we agreed on $230.00.”
“Oh, okay. I guess I will need some change then.”
“I’ll get it. I’ll just go inside and get some.”
Geri walked into the Zig-Zag and disappeared into the warm light of the restaurant as Luis turned his attention to the smiling Sarah.
“So where’s Nikki?”
“It’s her birthday today so she’s at home.”
“Oh, how old is she turning?”
“She’s ten.”
“Did she have a good day?”
“Yes, she did.”
“So you haven’t had Olive for too long?”
“No, not really.”
“She sure is small. Where did you buy her?”
“A store in Calgary: Pisces Pet Emporium.”
“Oh, never heard of it.” (Isn’t that where you found Texas, Luis? Duh!) Geri returned with the change.
“Here you are.”
“Well thank you.”
“No, thank you. We are glad that Olive is going to a good home. I told Nikki that her new owner had experience with this kind of turtle and that Olive was going to be well taken care of.”
“Oh, she will be,” Luis said.
“We should get going,” Geri said.
“Okay, well thank you again for meeting me in Lacombe and again, thank you for Olive and please wish Nikki a happy birthday for me.”
“I will, thank you.”
Luis and Geri shook hands they drove away. Luis rushed back to his car. He couldn’t wait to see Olive. There she was- fast asleep and hardly bigger than a loonie. Luis placed the Tupperware dish on a comfortable spot on the passenger’s chair and drove back home to Edmonton. On the highway he called Dani some 100 kilometers from home to tell her the good news. Once home Luis introduced Olive to Dani. Olive got a bath and a soak and was given a larger Tupperware container to sleep in. That night I dreamt of Baby Degzar chasing after Olive and for some reason Baby Degzar kept calling her Oliver.
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