Monday, April 24, 2006

Shower Scene from Psycho

One of Ready's favorite things to do when Luis takes a shower is to climb down from his cage and pay Luis a little visit. He walks around the corner into the bathroom. You can hear his little feet clickity-clack on the linoleum and then as he stands there looking up at the shower he gives out a little whistle as if to say, "Hellooo, I'm here now."

Luis looks out to see Ready looking up at him longingly. Luis stoops down to say hello back at which point Ready does his little intimidation dance. Imagine a little fluff ball, half naked from self-plucking, his feathers flare out and he bows his head to make himself look fearsome. His little eyes dilate and he starts to pace about, tapping his beak against the floor- adding to the drama. He gives out a loud whistle and prances over to the corner just underneath the sink. There he continues his little dance, tapping and whistling and squeaking at the top of his wee lungs.

Beware! Once out of the shower he will sometimes charge at clean toes with a headstrong mind to bite into oblivion. He has never bitten Luis' toes but Dani is sure afraid of the dude.

"Luis... Ready is out, honey. Can you please come and get him?" That's what you hear and you know that Ready has Dani cornered in the bathroom.

What the heck does he want, really? I look down at him from my perch and shake my head. Is he jealous? I know he is afraid of the shower downpour. He obviously doesn't want up on the perch. But he just can't help himself. He is a brooding little African, dude. With the simplest gestures he says, "Hey, love me." Then, in the drop of an egg, he threatens you with the shower scene from psycho. Crazy, guy!

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