Tuesday, May 23, 2006

World Turtle Day

Today is World Turtle Day. World Turtle Day began on May 23, 2000. It was initiated by the American Tortoise Rescue out of Malibu, California. They do all sorts of good things to aid the rescuing of displaced and unwanted tortoises and turtles in the U.S.A. My feathered hat goes off to all the good folks at the American Tortoise Rescue and to the kind and generous people everywhere who help all kinds of critters in need. You guys rock!

To celebrate this beautiful day I would like to introduce to everyone Zoë. Zoë is a Red Footed Tortoise. She was a wedding present from Dani to Luis. She has been living here since July of 2003- Just a few months before I appeared on the scene. I will go into more about Zoë later in another entry but for now here are some pictures of Zoë:


And of course it would not be World Turtle Day without some pictures of Texas:


Learn more about World Turlte Day by clicking on these links:

American Tortoise Rescue
The Humane Society of the U.S.A.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Quaker Craft: Poop on Tops

Dani invited Louie and I to her work this evening. She has been busy trying to catch up on all the work that has been piling up on her desk at Craft Line Counter Tops. I got to go because Louie can't live without me.

Dani put us quick to work. Louie got the easy job of filing away paperwork for Dani. Meanwhile I got the real tough job of shredding sensitive company documents. Fortunately, when you are a de bonne aire and handsome Quaker like moi you get the job done righ and speedy fast. I was done in, I'd say under twenty. It would have taken the average canary several hours (just to show you how quick I really am). Then I hung about the place. I got bored fast. I squawked and flew about the office a bit. Oh, and I made stinkies partout! First on Louie's shoulder, then on the carpet, then on the desk, then on a file folder, finally on Louie's pants. Well it's all his fault really. He let me bite into his Big Mac after all. Man that stuff is yummy but sure gives me the yuckies.

Dani is a hard worker. Louie is lucky to have a hard working momma at his side. I think she is a good chick. Although I enjoy chomping on her, my feathered hat goes off to her. This is for you Dani:

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Lang Loy, Jo San!

Lang Loy, Jo San!

Good morning to all the lang loys at Bulwark Protective Apparel. Luis says that I have some friends reading my stories at work and these pictures are all for you. Thank you for stopping by and do write me a note if you have a moment.

“Kiwi, Kiwi..”


Saturday, May 13, 2006

Kamikaze Cockatiel

Kamikaze (`kâmu'kâzee) :
[n] (Japanese) a fighter plane used for suicide missions by Japanese pilots in World War II
[n] (Japanese) a pilot trained and willing to cause a suicidal crash

Cockatiel (kŏk'ə-tēl'):
[n] A small crested Australian parrot (Nymphicus hollandicus) having gray and yellow plumage.
[Dutch: kaketielje (little cockatoo), ultimately from Malay: kakatua, cockatoo.]


That's what Randal heard at his window one evening in October of 2004. He was hard at work preparing a presentaion for a client when from off to the side came a sharp crunching sound. I guess it sounded like a cross between a woopie cushion and a bag of popcorn going crunch. Jumping out of his skin, Randal rushed over to the window to discover a small grey bird sitting there looking straight at him. It doesn't take much to move a sensitive nature lover like Randal to reach out and pull the cold critter in from the cold. He must have been real thirsty because the following day EPCOR (the utilities company) called Randal to ask if he had burst a water line. No sooner had he dropped the receiver that a detective knocked at his door and plainly asked Randal if he were operating a hydroponics grow-op. Randal responded plainly in return saying, "No, I had a very thirsty visitor drop in unexpectedly yesterday."

"Was it a parrot," asked the officer.
"I don't know," said Randal. "I think it looks more like a little grey fairy." The officer gave Randal a quizzical look as if to say, "maybe it's the Easter bunny, my good sir," and then politely excused himself and wished Randal all the best luck now that he had been chosen by the Grovenor Communitiy Fairies. But what for???

Randal gave Luis a call and asked for his opinion on the critter. Giving a short description that sounded like this: small bird, grey, with orange-red cheeks, small feet, and sounding much like a cell phone. As you can imagine Luis pulled the receiver from his ear glared at it quizzically as if to say, "maybe it's Graham Bell, my good sir." But of course he didn't say that. Instead he replied, "sounds like you have made friends with a cockatiel."

"Oh," Randal replied. "So is that a parrot of some kind."
"Well," Luis said. "It's more like an Australian good luck fairy."
"I knew it!"
"Are you going to keep it?"
"Yes," said Randal. "I think it's a good luck charm and he chose me so I'll keep it. I need to think of a name first. Can I come by Tiffany's and pick up some food?"
"Sure. I'll be there tomorrow,' Luis assured him.


Sure enough- Randal fell in love with the critter and the man from down under was well in control of Randal's large office environment where he lived. He roamed about the place flying freely and chatting up a storm. Luis went to visit and guess what? Hot dog! The dude sounded just like a cell phone. He was so good in fact, that Randal would sometimes be fooled. He'd hear the ring tone and off shot Randal to his coat pocket, flipped open the receiver, said hello, only to hear the phone line echo back - BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP! Ha! That's funny.

Randal gave the dude a Fairy name: Clarity. Fine, then.

Clarity lived at Randal's for about six months. Then one day Luis got a call:

"Luis, I need to find a home for Clarity. I love the bird but he is not good for business. My new intern thinks that having poop all over the office looks bad. I agree and would like to maybe sell him and find him a good home. Know anybody who might want a cockatiel?"

Luis jumped at the chance to take in another bird. Of course he wasn't going to pay for a rescued bird. Randal was a little disappointed about giving him away but Luis managed to talk him into handing Clarity over for free. Dani accompanied Luis to Randal's the night of the pick-up. Clarity was hard to catch. Even though Clarity is tame enough for sitting on your finger and shoulder he has a deadly fear of hands reaching out to grab him. He's not too fast for Luis and a towel though, I can assure you of that. Into a box he went.

On the drive home Dani insisted on changing his name. She didn't approve of Clarity and Luis was o.k. with renaming the little Aussie. "How about Clarence," Dani asked. "From that Beastie Boys song - Shake Your Rump."

"That's perfect. I don't mind that at all."

So, there you have it. Clarence came home to join us here at Salazar Manor. He talks plenty. He is the easiest going little dude and the biggest suck for atttention. His favorite things to do are sit on your shoulder and beg for attention, stare off wistfully out windows, and say "pretty bird" to his own reflection. He is a big fan of Henry Miller's portrait. Luis is certain that Clarence flings poop down at him from atop the bookshelves. Sometimes stuff will fall off onto Luis' desk and when Luis looks up there is Clarence looking down as if to say, "did you get my message, or what?" Then he swoops down and lands on Luis' other shoulder and nibbles at his ear.

Crazy bird.

Randal has a web site. Visit Randal at:

Monday, May 08, 2006

Survival of the Fittest: Not Again! Woe is POLAROID.

Here are some portraits of me and some of my friends taken with the marvel: POLAROID SX-70 Alpha 1 SE:


My favorite portraits of me have been taken with Luis' Polaroid instant cameras. He's got a nice collection of fold-down Polaroid SX-70s. I think he has 30 models, in fact. Not everyone here is as crazy about stuff as Luis is. He's crazy about a ton of stuff. Anyway, Polaroid fans all over the place were saddened by Polaroid's decision to discontinue the manufacturing of their legendary SX-70 Time-Zero film. The last run of this film was made in December of 2005. Any stock now on shelves or at suppliers will probably be the last we'll ever see of it. Sad to think that after over twenty years of supplying some of the world’s most innovative products Polaroid Corp. filed for voluntary Chapter 11 bankruptcy on October 12, 2001. The company came out of bankruptcy in 2002 and in April of 2005 Petters Group Worldwide purchased the last of the failing Polaroid Corporation.


If you would like to read more, the internet is full of Polaroid information. Here are some excellent Polaroid art websites and info pages if you are curious:

Copy and paste the following links into your favorite broswer:
On Polaroid art:

On Polaroid bankruptcy:

Monday, May 01, 2006

Slower than Texas in December

Cheers to the newest member of the Salazar Manor family! This is Texas - the Eastern Box Tortoise. Texas is much more than the largest state in the union. Texas is also the smallest critter at your favorite friendly neighbourhood petting zoo.

Luis and Dani found Texas in Calgary, Alberta while on vacation. They were visiting Kelly Issac who was on vacation from Japan. Well, she originates from Calgary but has been teaching English in Japan for, what, five years now. "GO!" That's Japanese for five.

Now, Texas doesn't "go" very fast. The dude's slower than mollasses in December, in fact. The only time he moves faster than mollasses in December is when he is out hunting worms. Then he is faster than worms and faster than mollasses in December.

Texas was snoozing at Pices Pet Emporium in Calgary when Luis woke him up. He sure is tiny - less than two inches long! He is so small that the pet store attendant couldn't even find him in his vivarium when Luis asked to see him. He was buried deep in the pet moss and was slumbering like an old lion on the plains.

Texas was born on October 13, 2005. Luis bought the dude on December 28, 2005 with a fist full of dollars he got for Christmas. He lives in his own pad in Luis and Dani's livingroom. He is a voracious eater and will eat just about anything that smells like food or wiggles like a worm.

When fully grown, Texas will have a brightly colored carapace, bright red eyes and a high domed shell. He will be around seven inches long and live to be anywhere between 50 - 100 years old. That's crazy! More on little Texas later.
